Virtual PAs can be the saviour to any business struggling to keep up with everyday tasks and wide ranging projects that can feel overwhelming. It’s the perfect solution when employing someone may not be within budget, and avoids paying for costs such as lunch breaks and holidays.
Having a virtual PA:
1) Saves time to work on other important aspects of your business
2) Is someone to rely on that isn't emotional about your business but practical
3) Offloads things you have wanted to do for a long time
4) Allows you to work on projects you have dreamt of for ages or support you with one.
5) Creates a structure in your time management
How do I trust them though?
Finding the right PA is key. Being a team of experts at The Delforge Group, specialising in supporting salons/spas and clinics coupled with the business acumen of owning and managing large corporations, we have developed a fantastic team of industry led professionals to create our Virtual PA Services.
We are fully aware of the overwhelming feelings business owners can experience when they are faced with a never ending to do list, firefighting daily duties such as HR, holidays, sickness, training, documentation, answering emails and so much more. You may have had to cut back on management during these difficult times and it can prove overwhelming. As a leader you are not able to focus on the things that could really be driving your business forward.
So where do you start?
Take your time to collate all your To Dos into one big list. Then highlight the things that only you can do, that you must do in order to drive your business forward in key areas. Smooth processes and delegation are key so then the rest of your to do list can be filtered out.
What next?
Contact us at The Delforge Group and we can talk through your needs and requirements.
You can take it slowly to start, maybe handing over a one off task you have been meaning to get done for a while or a regular task that you are just fed up with.
Or… could just dive straight in, and hand over a solid to do list and let your PA take charge - once you make that step you most definitely will not look back!
And As A Bonus
Lastly Valerie Delforge has put together an extremely effective Time management module which you will receive complimentary access when you sign up to 3 months or more of PA Services or with the code PA20 we are giving you 20% off!
Find out more here.